A Snarky Take on Life.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Obama a Racist?


Glenn Beck recently confirmed what we all feared and knew to be true. Barack Obama is, indeed, a racist!

Shall I continue? Or is the truth too, dare I say, TRUTHY for all of you?

We all knew that electing the first African-American to the highest office in the land would upset the natural order of things and, eventually, hasten the coming of the end of days - but we failed to see the BIGGER repercussions. Yes, we were too narrow-minded. We were too transfixed by his winning smile and satellite dish ears. We were so naive!

Yes, Oprah endorsed him. Yes, Colin Powell endorsed him. These endorsements by white-accepted black people were simply smokebombs to provide sufficient cover for the black agenda. And, of course, the very first time a significant racial issue arises, satellite-dish-ears speaks up. Who does he think he is, Al Sharpton?

We, in America, want a President who ignores social issues and doesn't speak their mind. We would prefer President Obama couch his feelings - preferably in the format of a well-known book of the Bible. Since it is only the 7th month of his Presidency, we'll choose Genesis.

"Barry saw the racial issue, and it was good."

Would that not have been better than him brazenly speaking his mind?

So Shut Up Obama! And fix the economy already! Or is that going to get in the way of your "Black Agenda"?

1 comment:

  1. Double Down,

    I dare say he wasn't our first racist president.
