A Snarky Take on Life.

Friday, July 24, 2009

The best in the world

Just two thoughts for today:

Why is the following the best joke in the world:

Q: What are the two sexiest barnyard animals?

A: The brown chicken and the brown cow (brown-chicken-brown-cow)

Because it narrowly beats this joke:

Q: What's brown and sticky?

A: A stick! Get it?

(Please note - adding the "Get it?" really makes that joke pop!)

Thought #2

I was in McDonalds this morning where I saw a family of Asian tourists sitting around a table, all eating the Micky-D's Big Breakfast.

It popped in my head, "I hope they don't think this is fine American dining"


  1. Hey Double Down,

    The 1980's lame joke thread must be on the other smokebomb blog!

    It's a common mistake I know ;P

  2. Double Down,

    I would wager that poop on a stick is more brown and sticky than a solitary stick. This being said, you should edit your joke to reflect the facts.

    The All-knowing Philosoraptor, PhD
